Name of Triton-Evac GmbH changed into Evac Germany GmbH

The name of the Triton-Evac GmbH has been changed into Evac Germany GmbH as of Aug 3, 2016. This is to follow our brand strategy and to limit the number of brand names used in our operations.

Ljubo Jurisevic, the Evac Cruise business area President and Tomi Gardemeister, President and CEO of Evac Group, act as the Managing Directors of the Evac Germany GmbH.

Evac Group has two offices in Germany, which is an important center of our cruise business. The two offices, Evac Germany GmbH in Rellingen and Deerberg-Systems GmbH in Oldenburg, continue their own operations with strong, separate roles in our organization also after the name change of the other. The Evac Oldenburg office focuses in dry and wet waste systems and Evac Rellingen office in fresh water generation systems and retrofit projects.

Due to the strong growth of the Evac Group business, both offices are currently recruiting new personnel to meet the needs of our customers.

For further information, please contact Managing Director Ljubo Jurisevic (email:

Ljubo Jurisevic

Picture above: Ljubo Jurisevic, Cruise Business Area President, Evac Group, and Managing Director of Evac Germany GmbH